Remote Work Woes? Make Workplace Management Easier With Capataz

Info & Tips

Remote work has been the norm for the majority of us in the Philippines for the past couple of years. While many businesses struggled at first to adjust to the “new normal” of workplace management, the workforce has appropriately started seeing the benefits of the setup as time went by. 

In fact, a survey states that 83 percent of employees claim to have become more productive after they shifted to a remote work arrangement. On the other hand, 77 percent of employers claim that they have significantly cut down on their operating costs after adopting the setup. 

However promising these numbers are, it cannot be argued that managing remote teams in the Philippines can also have its downsides—communication gaps being a crucial one. Employees have to rely on digital communication channels to exchange ideas. Most importantly, the overall management of processes can be a nightmare for those who do not have an organized way of executing tasks. 

Making Remote Workplace Management More Efficient

One of the most efficient is the use of a workplace management software, specifically a work order system that can help organizations track, prioritize, and even complete work orders in a systematized way.

Fortunately, there are so many solutions now that can quickly solve this problem. One of the most efficient is the use of a workplace management software, specifically a work order system that can help organizations track, prioritize, and even complete work orders in a systematized way.

Below, we talk about the advantages of having one for your business

It streamlines work order management.

A work management tool can organize all the work order systems for your business to make it easy for tracking, management, and checking.

A work management tool can organize all the work order systems for your business to make it easy for tracking, management, and checking. This is especially important for organizations that have field personnel like medical representatives and those doing remote IT services. Having a singular workplace management system where information is centralized will not only make collaboration so much easier. Rather, it can also lessen errors since employees only have one place to look at. 

It cuts down on manual processes.

The best work order management tool should offer features that can help generate instant reports that are ready for analysis.

The time is long gone for the manual generation of reports. The best work order management tool should offer features that can help generate instant reports that are ready for analysis. Not only will it help in simplifying processes through automation, but the risk for human error is minimized as well. Most importantly, it can help you save on the most important asset of all: time. 

It offers better information management. 

Having a work management system where everyone is connected allows for better data consumption across all stakeholders of the organization.

When it comes to the workplace, the way that you organize information is everything. Having a system where everyone is connected allows for better data consumption across all stakeholders of the organization. This can help in better management of resources and overall optimization of operations. 

It can help you prioritize.

Now that you’re familiar with the gains to having a workplace management application, how do you pick which one to try out for your team?

Having an organized way of managing all your processes can also help you prioritize better. When everything you need is in just one place, you can get a clear bird’s eye view of things, which then gives you the window to easily see which ones need to be prioritized. 

Having all of these benefits at the tip of your fingertips will surely allow you to optimize your business operations. Now that you’re familiar with the gains to having a workplace management application, how do you pick which one to try out for your team?

Solve Your Workplace Management Problems with Capataz

By choosing Capataz as your partner for workplace management, you can make your work life easier with higher chances of work fulfillment success.

The workplace has gone through drastic changes in the past couple of years. As a business, it is a smart decision to catch up and adapt if you want to be on top of your game. By choosing Capataz as your partner for workplace management, you can make your work life easier with higher chances of work fulfillment success.

Capataz is a Filipino-developed application specially designed to improve the way you manage your team’s productivity. Forget worrying about tracking your staff’s location if they are on the field, dealing with the tedious crunching of numbers, and suffering through cluttered paperwork

With the Capataz app, you get to save money and time by canceling out repetitive and error-prone manual workflows. Some of the features you can enjoy with our app are the instant generation of attendance reports for payroll, centralized work order management features, easy processing of employee requests, and a real-time view of task progress. Book a free demo with us now!

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