How Remote Teams Can Maintain Transparency in the Workplace

Info & Tips

With remote work in the Philippines now considered a norm, it has become increasingly hard to maintain transparency in the workplace. While managing remote teams can be promising, it can also be limiting for businesses, making it difficult to start conversations, demand accountability, build rapport as a team, and monitor individual performances.

These issues, however, can be easily addressed by using the right tools. In this article, we discuss how using workplace management apps can resolve challenges that remote work brings about.

Why Transparency in the Workplace is Important 

With remote work in the Philippines now considered a norm, it has become increasingly hard to maintain transparency in the workplace.

Workplace transparency is important because it provides significant benefits to organizations. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased employee engagement. This refers to the connection employees feel toward the work they do and the belief in the goal of the organization they work with.
  • Enhanced psychological safety. This means that employees feel like they’re able to express themselves without the fear of negative consequences to their careers. Workers who can communicate their ideas, opinions, and insights feel a higher motivation to do well. They can also significantly contribute to the organization’s decision-making process. 
  • Better customer relations. More engaged employees are known to provide better services and customer experience. Their close and personal contact with customers also allows them to give valuable feedback on customer needs and preferences.

While it comes with many benefits, transparency can be hard to achieve, especially when it comes to remote work in the Philippines. Below, we list down ways to maintain transparency in the workplace.

3 Ways a Work Order App Maintains Transparency in the Workplace

While it comes with many benefits, transparency in the workplace can be hard to achieve.

Believe it or not, one of the fastest ways to achieve transparency at work is by using a workplace management app. The following are ways that it can help you:

Provide open feedback

Open communication is necessary to achieve transparency in the workplace, whether you work remotely or not. By building an open feedback culture, employers help create a sense of trust among employees, positioning themselves as mentors who aid in their team’s professional growth.

By using Capataz as your official work order app, supervisors can provide rating and performance reviews for completed work orders. This feedback appears on employees’ profiles, letting them know if they perform well or require improvement.

Track employee locations and timekeeping records

Transparency in the workplace can only be achieved when one of the parties is responsive to the other.

Having off-site employees demand a huge level of trust. How sure are you that they’re going to their designated locations at the appropriate times? To best establish a culture of transparency and accountability, you should employ the help of a work order management app that can update you with their real-time locations. Capataz’s geofencing feature informs supervisors when workers are within their designated areas, as well as when they leave the vicinity. 

You can also check their timekeeping records to ensure that they’re on time. This feature does not only apply to field service providers. If you manage remote work in the Philippines, you can also use Capataz’s automated tracking system. By having access to this, you would have a better gauge of their productivity and efficiency.

Be responsive to employee requests 

While we’re discussing transparency in the workplace, don’t oblige your employees to disclose every detail of their work leave.

Transparency in the workplace can only be achieved when one of the parties is responsive to the other. Another way to better address your staff’s needs is to provide what they ask for. When a staff member requests a work leave, it’s best to approach this with ample urgency. Take an extra effort to review and approve requests promptly to avoid delays. 

While we’re discussing transparency in the workplace, don’t oblige your employees to disclose every detail of their work leave. By allowing them to take time away from work, whatever the reason may be, you have better chances of earning their trust.

Improve Transparency in the Workplace with Capataz

Maintaining transparency in the workplace sows a lot of benefits, such as better employee engagement and psychological safety among employees. But this can only be achieved if you build a work culture that encourages workers to stay transparent.

You can get a headstart with doing this through an all-around reliable work order management app like Capataz. From building an open feedback culture to instilling a sense of accountability among your team, these features are especially useful when you’re managing remote teams.

Optimize the way your team operates now. Try out our app to see how it can improve transparency in your organization. Book a free discovery call today.

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