5 Remote Startup Management Tips to Help You Navigate WFH

Info & Tips

Today, remote work in the Philippines has become an acceptable way of doing business. Even as we inch towards economic and social recovery, we can only expect that remote work will not grow irrelevant. In fact, it has become essential to learn remote startup management, especially if you’re only starting to dabble in partial or full-time remote work as a startup founder or manager.

Managing remote teams can be done successfully when you take the following steps. 

Tips to Make Remote Startup Management a Success 

It has become essential to learn remote startup management, especially if you’re only starting to dabble in partial or full-time remote work as a startup founder.

You won’t have to navigate your new business in the dark while figuring out how to manage a remote startup. Here are tried and tested tips to make remote startup management a success.

1. Keep your talent search quick but thorough

Ready to make remote startup management a success? Try these expert tips from Capataz.

While there is now an abundance of workers who prefer remote work over office-based work, you should make sure that your recruits actually fit the company culture you want to build. 

Aside from the usual requirements such as a reliable internet connection and perhaps ample tools for work, you also need to make sure that you get employees who know the value of transparency, trust, and accountability. Hard skills may look attractive on paper, but it is the soft skills and principles like the aforementioned that makes an employee worth keeping.

2. Implement the right tools and processes

If you want to do remote startup management properly, you are expected to invest in any necessities that your employees may require, from trainings to equipment.

In physical workplaces, the management typically invests in equipment so their workforce can perform their tasks diligently. If you want to do remote startup management properly, you are expected to do the same. Some companies even provide computers to their staff to make sure that their performance is top quality. If this is out of your budget, it’s more than enough to simply invest in the appropriate software for good workplace management

Make sure to consult team leaders regularly for any new apps they may find useful to their jobs. By investing in tools, you’d want to get paid access for all employees you may need it. Free plans aren’t sustainable if you’re running a company!

3. Create a culture of trust and respect.

For the best remote startup management, avoid micromanaging and trust that they will get the job done.

Never forget that you hired your people because you see their potential. Even if you have company protocols and trainings, you should remember that people have their own ways of doing things. Not because they don’t stick to your plan to the T doesn’t mean they won’t be effective. Avoid micromanaging and trust that they will get the job done. After all, you can always offer up some feedback to encourage improvement wherever needed.

4. Schedule regular check-ins

Making time for your employees is essential in remote startup management because it makes people feel valuable.

While you should cut people some slack and let them work at their own pace, you should also make sure to set regular check-ins to touch base. See how they’re doing and inquire about any concerns or questions they may have. Ask for insights and suggestions on how you can improve their remote working conditions. Making time for your employees is essential in remote startup management because it makes people feel valuable. 

5. Remember that remote startup management is a learning process

Most importantly, remember that remote startup management is a learning process.

Even if you have the best intentions and recruit the best talent, encountering challenges is inevitable in any company. Keeping the team motivated is vital to ensure everyone stays productive remotely

With Capataz, Your Remote Startup Management Success is Guaranteed

 Communication can make or break your remote startup management setup. Investing in a work order app like Capataz is the best answer to this problem.

Truly, starting a business requires a lot of investments. One more you shouldn’t skip is getting your team a work order app to streamline your digital operations. Communication can make or break your remote startup management setup. In order to get things done efficiently, you need to maintain clear communication between you and your team. Investing in a work order app like Capataz is the best answer to this problem.

Capataz empowers startups by eliminating outdated workflows and helping business owners manage their remote companies without hassle. Our app can also help you monitor the progress of all your projects all at once, and allow you to give feedback to your team. Not to mention, it has daily housekeeping features such as time tracking, location monitoring, leave request processing, and detailed reporting. 
As you embark on your new business endeavor, let Capataz provide you with remote startup management tools to help you keep your digital workplace harmonious and in order. Schedule a free demo today!

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