5 Employee Location Tracking Benefits Your Team Will Appreciate

Info & Tips

Workplace management has gone through so many changes in the past few years, especially with the rise of remote work in the Philippines. While core functions and KPIs basically remain the same, remote work gave birth to new factors to consider such as employee location tracking. 

In this article, we discuss the role that employee location tracking plays in the current state of remote work—and why it’s worth taking a crack at.

Proper Use of Employee Location Tracking

Employee location tracking will certainly help your business, but what are its benefits that will positively affect employees themselves?

The subject of work order management in the context of remote work has always been a sensitive issue because it plays into the dynamics of trust between the company and its employees. From a management perspective, this might seem acceptable, but some employees may not always see eye to eye with it all the time. 

When not used well, employee tracking strategies can easily be considered as a type of toxic management approach that can decrease productivity rather than increase it due to the mental stress that it causes. 

In order to make sure tools like employee location tracking are well-received, employers must practice transparency and prioritize fair and appropriate usage of these tools. 

Effective deployment of employee tracking should foremost start with clearly and openly establishing the expected benefits for both the business and the team. The following are five benefits of employee location tracking:

1. It provides data that can be used in improving processes

In order to make sure tools like employee location tracking are well-received, employers must practice transparency and prioritize fair and appropriate usage of these tools.

One of the perks of a work order management and employee location tracking software is that they provide useful data that can be used for data-based decision-making. 

For example, the number of hours spent on a task or even a specific location where an employee spends time the most can give management an idea of areas and SOPs that need to be optimized. The key is to not go overboard with the data that you watch over and monitor. 

2. It can help them improve the quality of their performance

Want to see significant progress in terms of your team's performance? Try out employee location tracking and see it work wonders.

By being able to monitor the progress of an employee through time and location tracking, and work order progress reports, supervisors can also help pinpoint areas of the job the employee may need to further work on.

Through continuous practice of this professional development system, employees’ quality of work can be expected to improve.

3. It encourages productivity

With employee location tracking, you can rest assured that your team's productivity will increase.

Having a system that tracks the geo locations of people improves a level of consciousness among the workforce when used well. This is especially true if you match it with the right KPIs that are aligned with the data that the employee location tracking software can provide. 

For example, if a person knows that part of their KPI is to visit a minimum of three satellite locations for the day, their location tracking can serve as a reminder and encouragement for them to always hit their target. 

4. It provides a layer of security

An extra layer of security is never a bad thing. Employee location tracking can be a great investment for your company.

The best employee location tracking software usually provides alert notifications whenever an employee enters or leaves a facility. Security-wise, this can be a helpful tool to make sure that only allowed staff access specific locations.

5. It makes workflow management and collaboration easy

By incorporating employee location tracking into your everyday company essentials, you can make workflow management much more convenient.

Knowing where specific personnel is at specific times makes for easy workflow management and collaboration. 

Is a staff taking longer than usual at a location and can’t make it in time to another place? Their direct managers can easily see the progress of their work by knowing where they are and make quick adjustments to keep them from missing schedules. 

With all these benefits from employee location tracking, your team will surely find the feature purposeful. 

Invest in Your Team with Capataz’s Employee Location Tracker


Remote workplace management can be a powerful tool that can boost productivity when used well. By signing up for Capataz, you can very easily keep in touch with your employees through our mobile application designed for companies that have shifted to remote work setups. 

Our app provides real-time employee location tracking that gives real-time updates about the geotags of people, a tracking history of previously visited locations, and geofence alert notifications. We also make attendance tracking and work order management easy via our timekeeping and report generation features. 

Ready to power up your remote work setup now? Schedule a free demo with us! 

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