Experience multiple ways of tracking your Time and Attendance

Cut down on manual computation and track your team’s time via Work On The Go or using C-Kiosk.
Generate timekeeping summary reports in an instant.

Time & Attendance Tracking
working on the go
monitor your time
Time & Attendance Tracking
working on the go

Monitor your Time & Attendance anytime, anywhere.

facial recognition
Time & Attendance Tracking
working on the go

Verify your attendance using Facial Recognition.

clock in out
Time & Attendance Tracking
working on the go

Clock in and out even on offline mode then sync when online

How to Monitor your Employees' Time & Attendance


Clock in via Work On The Go or C-Kiosk

Use Facial Recognition to verify your attendance. Otherwise, you can take a selfie via Work On The Go or use a QR code via C-Kiosk.


Start monitoring your time

Your team can start tracking time to see regular working hours, overtime, and even breaktime hours.


Generate timekeeping reports

Timekeeping summary reports provide helpful data for payroll processing and for streamlining your team’s processes and workflows.

You can now download Capataz mobile app via the Google Play Store.

13 people used to manage our time keeping records for 400 employees which took 5 days to process and verify. With Capataz, it now only takes 2 people and 1 day to process!

Shyla Mercado | Logistics Manager

Use Capataz mobile app for a faster and more centralized timekeeping


Time in and out anytime, anywhere

You can use the mobile app to clock in and out if you are working on site or visiting other offices. Exact location and routes will also be tracked for proof of work.


Generate detailed timesheets

Get the info you need about your staff’s regular working hours, overtime, and breaktime hours. Use this report to process your payroll.


Easily update and review timelogs

Supervisors can review timelogs anytime. They can also update or even void timelogs (as necessary) on behalf of the staff.


Time in and out anytime, anywhere

You can use the mobile app to clock in and out if you are working on site or visiting other offices. Exact location and routes will also be tracked for proof of work.


Generate detailed timesheets

Get the info you need about your staff’s regular working hours, overtime, and breaktime hours. Use this report to process your payroll.


Easily update and review timelogs

Supervisors can review timelogs anytime. They can also update or even void timelogs (as necessary) on behalf of the staff.

Explore other Capataz features in order to utilize its full potential

Work Order Management

Organize crucial details in one place and assign jobs. Manage and schedule your work orders with ease.

Location Tracking

Track, monitor and verify your staff’s location. Get real time information once your team is clocked-in.


Track, monitor and verify your staff’s location. Get real time information once your team is clocked-in.

Leave, OT, & Reimbursement

Manage and approve requests in one place. No more extra paperwork needed to handle usual admin requests.

Detailed Reports

Dig into business operations with in-depth reports. Find the insight you need to grow your business.

Over 3000+ users have digitally transformed their workflows and loved it

(We’re sure you will too.)

Enjoy a FREE 30-day trial to explore and navigate Capataz.

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Undergo training/actual demo and receive training materials to ensure you are Capataz-ready.

Talk to our team today.