Why Remote Work Timekeeping Should Matter to Your Business

Info & Tips

Any business owner knows that time is the most valuable resource of all. As work setups transitioned to remote and hybrid designs, however, workplace time management also became one of the most challenging things for entrepreneurs to manage and monitor. 

But why is remote work timekeeping such an important part of a business’ operations in the first place? In this article, we drill down the reasons why this is an important part of your business' everyday function and long-term success. 

Why Do We Need Remote Work Timekeeping?

We drill down the reasons why remote work timekeeping is an important part of your business' everyday function and long-term success.

For starters, timekeeping is definitely more than just recording the clock in and clock out of employees. Here are some of its specific functions: 

It provides transparency between the employer and its employees

When remote work in the Philippines became the norm during the pandemic, many businesses struggled in making sure that their employees are doing what they are supposed to do beyond their brick and mortar offices. 

A remote work timekeeping system gives companies this assurance by offering easy traceability of their employees' productivity.

It makes business operations easy by giving access to relevant data

Workplace management systems, for example, can give business owners insight into time-wasting activities or project fulfillment processes that need to be optimized. 

It can improve employee performance

A work order management system can give insights on work areas that an employee spends too much time on and can also show if departments are understaffed or if people are overworked. 

Information like this can easily be used by the management to make adjustments that can improve the way their employees spend their time at work.

How to Make Remote Work Timekeeping Easier for Your Team 

A remote work timekeeping system gives companies this assurance by offering easy traceability of their employees' productivity.

Remote work has challenged most of the systems of a usual brick-and-mortar work setup. This is especially true for timekeeping, which, for many businesses in the country before, was mostly done manually. 

The problem with manual timekeeping is that it can eat up a lot of time to process and requires the physical presence of the employee for it to work. At a time when the nature of work is constantly changing, having an automated remote work timekeeping system is the key to keeping operations smooth sailing

So what, specifically, are the benefits of having a workplace management system? 

It is 99 percent error-free 

Because everything is digitized, the probability of errors as compared to manual filing and processing is lesser. Data stored in these systems are also stored in the cloud, which means that they are not prone to physical damages that can tamper them.

They can be accessed and used anywhere

Since remote work timekeeping software are digital, they can be easily accessed and used by anyone in just a few clicks. This is one of the biggest benefits that businesses with remote setups can reap from these tools.

It makes it easy to generate reports

Gone are the times when it was ideal to go through sheets and sheets of documents just to come up with reports that are important for your business operations. 

With a remote work timekeeping software, your HR and Finance department, for example, can easily export data they need to process payroll or leave credits. 

Timekeeping is a crucial aspect of remote work, and it can be especially helpful when navigating the ever-changing work landscape. 

Try Out Capataz’s Remote Work Timekeeping Feature

With Capataz, companies can perform remote work timekeeping, tracking employees’ time and attendance wherever they are.

With Capataz, companies can track employees’ time and attendance wherever they are through the Work On the Go timekeeping option. 

Capataz allows a much more flexible means to perform timekeeping as it can be accessed both online and offline. Supervisors have access to real-time monitoring of who’s working and who’s out of the office, and they can easily review the timesheet of all employees under their supervision. 

Expect automated timekeeping that also tracks your break time and overtime hours. For more effective security, we use facial recognition to make sure only the user can process attendance.

With workplace environments and the nature of working itself evolving, it is very important for businesses to keep up with the change to make sure that they keep their productivity at its peak. Experience this by adding Capataz into your workplace management system. Book your free demo today!

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