How to Keep Remote Work Productivity Up

Info & Tips

When the world transitioned to a more flexible workplace setup, remote work ultimately rose to become the norm rather than an exception to the rule. Yet despite its slew of benefits, some challenges and adjustments were also felt by businesses who shifted into its design, especially when it comes to the subject of remote work productivity.

How exactly can companies keep remote workers’ productivity levels up? In this article, we talk about how to inspire excellent performance among your team through work order apps.

Boosting Remote Work Productivity

Despite remote work's slew of benefits, some challenges and adjustments were felt by businesses who shifted into its design, especially when it comes to the subject of remote work productivity.

The topic of productivity is often tied to the concept of employee monitoring every time it is brought up in the concept of remote work. Tracking the work performance of your manpower is important because it assures that your operations move smoothly despite the out-of-office setup. 

But here’s another benefit that work order management offers: It helps keep your people driven to provide great quality work. How, you might ask? Below are a few reasons to know:

1. It helps set clear boundaries 

Keeping productivity levels high became a huge challenge when remote work in the Philippines became the norm during the pandemic.

Let’s admit it: Keeping productivity levels high became a huge challenge when remote work in the Philippines became the norm during the pandemic. The boundaries of relaxing at home and working became blurry, which, in turn, also became demotivating to some employees. 

Having a workplace management system sets the boundaries that disappeared during the transition from the usual brick-and-mortar setup by providing a system that solidifies the concept of working outside of an average office.

2. It helps boost productivity

Workplace management software provides important data that can improve the productivity of employees.

Workplace management software provides important data that can improve the productivity of employees. 

For example, some work order management systems can show how many tasks an employee managed to finish in a day or the amount of time spent finishing a work order. These figures can be used as solid references for improving certain mechanisms in case the numbers do not match business targets. 

3. It makes project management so much easier

Remote work productivity is boosted by work order tools by providing daily, weekly, or monthly reports that project managers can easily use as references for their work.

Collaboration and basic project management became so much more challenging with remote work. With a work order management system, employees get to use one centralized system with features specifically designed to make execution easier for them

For example, the best work order management tools come with features like easy file sharing, task management controls, and centralized work update dashboards. 

Remote work productivity is also boosted by these tools by providing daily, weekly, or monthly reports that project managers can easily use as references for their work.

4. It can help make smart management decisions

Having a workplace management system sets the boundaries that disappeared during the transition from the usual brick-and-mortar setup.

This is applicable specifically when it comes to the reallocation of resources. Again, data plays a huge role in this area. 

A workplace management system can show which parts of the operations eat up valuable resources (for example, manpower) and give management an idea if any reallocation is needed. Is a certain department understaffed? Is there a need to optimize the SOPs of a certain work order? All these decisions can be done by looking at data. 

5. It helps save time

A lot of tasks would have been near impossible to pull through without the help of any remote work productivity tool.

Remote work has emphasized even more the value of smart use of time. The beauty of using workplace management tools is that they can also cut back on a lot of tasks that would have taken hours to complete if done manually. 

Take for example attendance checking and payroll generation. These would have been near impossible to pull through without the help of any remote work productivity tool which, at the click of a button, can easily generate attendance reports that can be used for payroll management.

Given these perks, it’s undebatable that a work management tool can be your saving grace if you’re a business following a remote work setup. 

Stay Productive with Capataz

Curious as to how our work order management system can help your remote work productivity? We say experiencing it yourself is the best way to know!

With Capataz, you can enjoy these benefits in one go. Our robust work order management application offers automated timekeeping, easy work order management, location tracking, detailed reporting, and even easy processing of employee requests. 

All of these key features can be accessed via a mobile app, making productivity management and monitoring even friendlier to those who are no longer confined to the four walls of a regular office.

Curious as to how our work order management system can help your remote work productivity? We say experiencing it yourself is the best way to know! Book a demo with us and have your free, no-commitment trial of our mobile app. 

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