Productivity Solution for the Wholesale and Retail Industry in the Philippines

Info & Tips

The Wholesale and Retail Industry 

The wholesale and retail industry is one of the most important industries in the Philippines. It is responsible for providing goods and services to the Filipino people. The industry employs 1,584,579 as of 2019, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority. 
However, the industry is facing several challenges. One of the biggest challenges is productivity. The industry is not as productive as it should be. This is because of several factors, including inefficient processes, lack of technology, and low skilled workers. 
Fortunately, there are solutions to these challenges. One solution is to improve processes and invest in technology. Another solution is to provide training for workers so they can be more productive. These solutions will help the industry become more efficient and contribute more to the economy. 

The Problem with Productivity in the Wholesales and Retail Industry 

The Philippines is a country with a rich culture and diverse landscape. The wholesale and retail industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy, accounting for approximately 10% of GDP. However, productivity in the sector has been lagging in recent years. 
There are several reasons for this problem. First, the industry is highly fragmented, with numerous small businesses competing against each other. This makes it difficult to achieve economies of scale and drive down costs. Second, the sector is highly labor-intensive, making it difficult to increase productivity through technology or automation. Finally, many businesses in the sector are family-owned and operated, making it difficult to implement modern management techniques. 
Despite these challenges, there are several ways to improve productivity in the wholesale and retail industry. First, businesses can focus on streamlining their operations and eliminating waste. Second, they can invest in technology and automation to reduce their reliance on labor-intensive processes. Finally, they can adopt modern management practices that improve organizational efficiency. By taking these steps, businesses in the wholesale and retail sector can boost their productivity and competitiveness. 

The Solution: Capataz 

In today's fast-paced world, it is more important than ever to be productive. The Capataz app is a great solution for those in the wholesale and retail industry in the Philippines. There is no need to waste time with paper records or Excel spreadsheets. Capataz is an all-in-one solution that will help you run your business smoothly and efficiently. 

How Capataz Works 

Capataz is a productivity solution that helps the wholesale and retail industry in the Philippines. It helps businesses manage their timekeeping, track their work, locate their staff's whereabouts in real-time, file requests via the app, and generate summaries of reports. 

Benefits of Capataz 

In a fast-paced and ever-changing industry like wholesale and retail, it's important to have a reliable and efficient productivity solution in place. Enjoy these benefits when you use Capataz: 

✅Saves organizations their time and resources streamlining Business Processes and Workflows 

✅Offers convenience and efficiency in employee performance tracking 
✅ Eliminates the tedious and wasteful use of paper in monitoring and recording. Therefore offers more security and tracking with the use of digital technology. 

Implementing Capataz for your Organization 


Setup the profiles of your entire team 

Assign company, work schedule and user permissions for admin, supervisor & staffs 

Activate and register your accounts using OTP sent through your emails 

Login to Capataz mobile app 


Start tracking time and attendance 

Time in and time out using Work On The Go or C-Kiosk. 

Verify your attendance using Facial Recognition. 

Clock in and out even on offline mode then sync when online 


Create and manage work orders 

Add priority, duration and location for each work order 

Include assets & consumables so you can monitor inventory & expenses 

Set recurrence of work orders: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly 


Track real-time location & productivity 

Get alerts & notifications when workers enter or leave a job site with geofencing 

Track expenses with WO Billing and reimbursements 

Monitor work order’s progress and time spent on each assigned task 


Generate summary reports 

Get detailed reports on timekeeping, WO Billing, reimbursements & more. 

Shorten the time needed to calculate billable hours for payroll processing 

Eliminate manual reporting efforts to save time and avoid human error 


Capataz is a gift to these hardworking people in the wholesale & retail industry to aid them in their day to day activities and make their work life easier and more productive. With Capataz, they will be able to tie in and out on the app without having to waste time lining up on DTR terminals, check out their tasks and its progress on the Work Order Management section, file requests for OT, Leave, and Reimbursement, track the location of their workers using the Location Tracking and Geofence feature, and view detailed reports that leads to faster analysis and decision making. 

Try out our application, FOR FREE! Book a demo to know more here. 

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