Work Order Apps Are the Best Business Investment in 2022

Info & Tips

The pandemic led to the rise of remote work in the Philippines as businesses scrambled for ways to adjust to a challenging business environment. With this, however, came the difficulty of maintaining and processing paperwork through traditional means. As a result, the demand for technology to replace manual work processes increased.

As many people still opt for work-from-home and hybrid work setups in 2022, companies that hope to find success in remote work should consider work order apps as an excellent business investment. 

How exactly does these apps impact the process of managing remote work? In this article, we discuss the key benefits of digitizing work order management.

What is a Work Order App?

A work order app is a tool that centralizes all information about work orders and tasks for easy access of all workers involved.

A work order application is a tool that centralizes all information about work orders and tasks for easy access of all workers involved. Its app features will depend on the intended purpose or users. The most common features include timekeeping and attendance tracking, work order management, and task progress tracking.

Because they’re online and consolidated, apps like these enable businesses to make work order systems paperless. This means that stressful, physical paperwork is no longer required for companies to make work orders. All tasks and work orders can be created and managed in a single system that can be made accessible to anyone. This makes the work order system much faster and more efficient.

Why Your Business Needs a Work Order App in 2022

With a work order app, teams can continue creating and monitoring job orders, all without the paperwork and even in the comfort of their homes.

Such an innovation bears solid benefits that any company, whether they are operating in-office or remotely, can enjoy. Below, we list down the reasons why businesses should invest in a digital work order management system moving forward.

A work order app helps your team adapt to the current business landscape

The pandemic transformed the way things are getting done in workplaces, and these changes are here to stay. Remote work and virtual meetings are more likely to continue, presenting challenges to companies with outdated work order management systems.

With a work order app, teams can continue creating and monitoring work orders, all without the paperwork and even in the comfort of their homes. 

A work order app is much more practical and cost-effective

Imagine all the costs related to preparing physical work orders—all those can be eliminated or reduced when you use software to digitize all transactions. Remove the prep time you used to spend on paperwork, and see your company save more time, effort, and money. 

A work order app can increase productivity

Before work order apps, processing paperwork for reimbursements and leave requests, as well as other administrative tasks, can take up a whole day. By digitizing the process, your employees can now have more time to focus on the more important aspects of their jobs. 

Timekeeping and location tracking features also allow supervisors to make sure their employees are using their working hours efficiently. No more slacking off when the bosses can keep an eye on your performance even remotely.

It keeps everyone on the same page

Work order apps provide streamlined workflows, where everyone can be aware of their own progress, as well as that of the entire project, in real-time. 

Feedback can also be given right away, making communication much easier and more efficient. It also ensures that everyone’s in the loop wherever they may be. 

It gives employees a sense of accountability

When a work order is created in the app and assigned to an employee, the app will regularly provide ample reminders of pending tasks. As the app provides transparency of the progress of said employee, this gives them a sense of accountability. Such is important for employees working remotely in order to build a culture of trust within the company.

These are just some of the many advantages to having a work order app to help your business maintain their operations effectively. In order to address contemporary business challenges, owners and executives should consider using trusted digital work order management systems like Capataz.

Choose Capataz as Your New Work Order App

Capataz is a work order app designed and developed by Eclectus Technologies geared towards encouraging more efficient work order management for businesses.

Capataz is a mobile application designed and developed by Eclectus Technologies geared towards encouraging more efficient work order management for businesses. 

With key features like time and attendance tracking, work order management, location tracking, request filing, and detailed reporting, this app aims to automate and innovate management of remote workspaces.

Interested in digitizing your work order management system? Book a free demo with us to learn more about how we can help you.

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